§ 10.28.200. Diagonal parking.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    ..... On any of the streets or portions of streets established by resolution of the council as diagonal parking zones, when signs or pavement markings are in place indicating such diagonal parking, it is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park such vehicle except at the angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles, and in such a manner as to not interfere with motorists attempting to park in any adjacent space.


    ..... The provisions of this section shall not apply when such vehicle is actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions applicable in Chapter 10.32 of this code shall be complied with.

    (Prior code § 15-56)

(Ord. No. 1520, § 1, 9-7-2010)