§ 10.40.020. Manner of installation—Removal.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    ..... The City Traffic Engineer shall cause parking meters or other parking control devices to be installed and maintained in all parking meter zones.


    ..... Parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk area immediately adjacent to each parking space. Each meter shall be placed in such a manner so as to show or display by a sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not legally in use. In off-street parking lots, one or more other parking control devices (pay stations) may be installed in lieu of parking meters.


    ..... Each parking meter and other parking control device shall display the length of time that may be purchased for the accepted denomination of coin or bill. Furthermore, each parking meter shall contain a device which displays the allowable parking time remaining after the coin has been deposited therein. This display shall continue from the time the coin(s) is deposited in the parking meter until the purchased time expires. Each parking meter shall contain a device which indicates that, upon expiration of the purchased time, the allowed time for parking has expired. Each other parking control devise shall issue a printed receipt identifying the time at which the right to park in the parking space has expired.


    ..... The Traffic Engineer shall cause parking meters adjacent to undeveloped property to be removed or relocated once such meters or their corresponding parking spaces are shown to prohibit the only access to the property. Such a meter shall only be removed upon proof, to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, that the property owner or his or her agent has both obtained a valid building permit for the property, and that the parking meter or its corresponding parking space does in fact inhibit the only access thereto.

    (Prior code § 15-74)

(Ord. No. 1480, § 2, 3-3-2009)