§ 15.36.200. Responsibility of permittee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    ..... It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to be knowledgeable of the conditions and/or restrictions of the grading permit as outlined in applicable sections of this chapter, the grading manual, and as contained on the approved grading plans and in the approved soil and geology reports. The permittee shall also be responsible for maintaining in an obvious and accessible location on the site, a copy of the grading plans bearing the approval of the City Engineer. Failure to obtain a grading permit shall result in: (1) the imposition of a double permit fee and/or (2) an order to restore the property to its "natural state," as defined in Section 15.36.060 of this chapter. If the permittee exceeds the original permit quantity or bounds, then the permittee shall be required to obtain a revised permit prior to proceeding with the additional grading. Failure to do so shall result in (1) the imposition of a double permit fee and/or (2) an order to restore the property to its "natural state."


    ..... It shall also be the responsibility of the permittee to notify Underground Service Alert two (2) days prior to digging or excavation as required by Assembly Bill 3020. They will notify all member companies providing underground services in the area who will visit the site and mark the location of their services. Before a grading permit which has been issued shall become valid, a "Dig Alert" identification number shall be required which Underground Service Alert shall issue to the contractor at no charge.


    ..... All permits, waivers or exemptions issued hereunder shall be deemed to include the provisions that the permittee, his agents, contractors and employees, shall carry out the proposed work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, where such approval is required, and in accordance with any applicable water quality requirements prepared and maintained pursuant to federal or state requirements or a City directive, and in compliance with all requirements of the permit and this article. Failure to carry out the work in accordance with approved plans and specifications, the applicable water quality requirements, and in compliance with all requirements of the permit and this article shall be a violation of this article.

(Ord. 1278 § 1, 2003)