§ 8.36.030. Filing of hazardous material disclosure form.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    ..... Any person who uses or handles a hazardous material must semiannually, during the months of January and July, submit a completed disclosure form to the Fire Department.


    ..... Any person who, during the calendar year, for the first time becomes a user or handler of any hazardous material, must submit a completed disclosure form to the Fire Department within thirty (30) days of becoming a user or handler. Thereafter, such person shall comply with the provisions of subsection A of this section.


    ..... The Fire Department may specify in writing such other times that the submittal of the disclosure form may be necessary.


    ..... Any person who fails to file a disclosure form within the time limits set forth pursuant to subsections A, B or C of this section shall pay such late filing fee for such late filing as established pursuant to Section 8.36.090. The late filing fee shall be submitted with the disclosure form and shall be in addition to regularly assessed fees, if any.


    ..... Within fifteen (15) days of any:


    Significant change in the use or handling of a hazardous material;


    New use or handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material;


    Change of business address;


    Change of business ownership;


    Change of business name;


    Closure of business.

    Any person who has filed a disclosure form pursuant to subsections A, B or C of this section shall submit to the Fire Department a new, completed disclosure form specifying the new use, handling or other appropriate information required.

(Ord. 1140 § 15, 1994; prior code § 21B-3)